We perform certified translations for many purposes: driver's licence (registration office), work (letters, references), university/college (diplomas, certificates), passport (passport office), court, and other.
You may place an online order by simply filling out the Free quote form or by emailing us the document to be translated.
Most translations (with affidavits) are completed within 1-3 business days. Check our pricing and delivery please.
Some qualification assessment centers (NDEB, MCC, PEO, CPA, PEBC, OMVIC, CPSO, OCT, etc.) and some universities require ATIO certified translations which cost more and take longer to complete (from $89). ATIO translation only available from the following languages:
Please be accurate while choosing the type of certification required for your translation while filling the translation request form on our website.
Residents of Saskatoon, Regina, Prince Albert, Moose Jaw, Yorkton, Swift Current, Estevan, North Battleford and other cities and towns of Saskatchewan are welcome to order translation of their documents online on our website. Certified (and notarized if needed) translation will be mailed over via Canada Post.